Billed as 'a radio custard pie' this show ran for 8 years and starred Greame Garden, Tim Brooke-Taylor, Bill Oddie, John 'Otto' Cleese, Jo Kendall and David Hatch (who later went on to produce the show). The show sprang from the undergraduate revues, with the pilot of the series being a recording of the West End show, Cambridge Circus, aired on the 30th December 1963.
Cambridge Circus originated at the Cambridge University Footlights Club, and sprang from the revue entitled "A Clump of Plinths". This title may seem unlikely, but the first idea "You Can't Call a Show Cornflakes", is even worse!!! Luckily, by the time the show had transferred to the Edinburgh Fringe, it had attained the far more acceptable title, Cambridge Circus.
The show was a liberal smattering of silly voices, awful puns, and mildly smutty humour, and was totally anarchic, with the audience controlling most of the show in later series. It is notable for the amount of talent present. Bill Oddie and Greame Garden wrote the scripts with contributions from the others, and this team later, with Tim Brook-Taylor were to form the Goodies on BBC TV, John Cleese was one of the founding members of Monty Python's Flying Circus, and is undoubtedly one of the best comedy writers ever (and I am using Fawlty Towers as exhibit A here, M'lud), and David Hatch has gone on to be Controller of Radio 2, Controller of Radio 4 and then the Managing Director of the BBC Network Radio.
- Series 1 consisted of 3 shows: 3 April - 17 April 1964
- Series 2 was a total of 9 shows: 4 Oct - 6 Dec 1965
- Series 3, another 13 shows: 14 March - 6 June 1966
- Series 4, a further 14 shows: 3 Oct - 6 Dec 1966
- Series 5, yet another 14 shows: 23 April -23 July 1967
- Series 6, a further 14 shows: 14 April - 7 July 1968
- Series 7, a total of 13 shows: 12 Jan - 6 April 1969
- Series 8, another 12 shows: 6 July - 28 Sept 1972
There were also sundry Xmas specials dotted amongst the series and a special reunion show in 1989, broadcast on Radio 2, Xmas day.
Hopefully a show listing will follow in the not too distant future, but it looks as though it will be a long job. If anyone has any information that they can impart, I would be most grateful if they could e-mail me.
May 2001 At last, dear old Auntie has decided to re-issue the four cassettes for the show. This could only have been better if they had mastered them on CD, but I am just glad to be able to get the tapes in my collection as when they were first released I was a penniless student, and when I did have the cash, I couldn't find them anywhere!!! I have added the details of what shows they are to the list that follows, so you know just what you are getting, and they are all in the shops now witht he noraml price tag for BBC releases of around a tenner. Hopefully this re-issue will elad to some more being put out in the future.
Broadcast on the BBC Home Service on the 30th December 1963, it starred Humphrey Barclay, Graham Chapman, John Cleese, David Hatch, Jo Kendall, Bill Oddie, and Tim Brooke-Taylor.
Sketches included: Taking in a show?, BBCBC, Sing Sing, Great Moments in the British Theatre, Those were the days, Jazz Song, Swap a Nest, Football Results, John and Mary in Malaya, OHMS, and Judge Not.
Some of the show is available on a double cassette on the EMI lable, along with excerpts from ISIRTA.
Three shows that were broadcast, again on the Home Service, on the 3rd, 10th and 17th of April in 1964. The cast had been slimmed down to John Cleese, David Hatch, Jo Kendall, Bill Oddie and Tim Brooke-Taylor, with the addition of Anthony Buffery.
The first of the episodes is available on the BBC Radio Collection and is the only one of the three known to exist.
1. Top of the Form/ Jack of the Beanstalk/ Inward Bound/ Cricket Commentary/ Jim/ News/ Performing Hamsters/ Wine Tasting/ Butterworth Lads/ Horrible Hairy Spiders/ Bank Manager/ London Bus Released on Volume 2
2. No known recording
3. No known recording.
This series went out on the Light Programmes from the 4th October to the 6th December 1965 and consisted of 9 episodes. The cast were, Greame Garden, David Hatch, Jo Kendall, Bill Oddie, and Tim Brooke-Taylor.
1. Weather Forecast/ Ins and Outs/ Country and Western Song/ RAF briefing 1942/ Mother-in-law on the bus/ She's Gone/ TV Complaint/ Giant at the marraige bureau/ The Critics.
2. Universal Challenge/ Masochistic Monks/ Stately Home/ I Ain't Got Rythmn/ Ug's Fashions/ Louis Armstrong/ Artistic Specimens/ Cricket Spectators/ The House of theRising Sun/ Swan Lake Commentary.
3. Audible Road Signs/ Reach for the sky/ Second Lt. Fellowsmith/ High Spot/ Black Magician/ Dwarf Warning/ We're Gonna Knit/ The Stolen Banana/ Yokels/ BLIMPHT/ The singular Case of the Workington Shilllelagh.
4. No Known Recordings
5. No Known Recordings
6. The Inventors/ Customs/ Lover of things/ Movie-Go-Sound/ Lord Clumpwit's Appeal/ The Wind/ An Old Evening's Entertainment/ The Freedom Day/ Mike Spanner - Private Eye.
7. Interlude/ Smurtot Yach Proxl?/ Insurance Policy/ Don't let it rain on my Body/ News With Audience/ Prehistoric Flight/ The London Bus/ England, Our England.
8. Long Range Weather Forecast/ Nature Study/ Let There be Love/ Prehistoric Woo-man/ HMS Dreadful/ Dr. Why and the thing.
9. History of Radio/ Family Favourites/ The Archers/ Censorship/ Wilfred Pickles/ Come Into The Garden Maude/ The Late, Late, Late show.
The longest series yet with 13 episodes that went out between 14th March and 6 June 1966 on the Light Programme. The cast remained the same, but with the addition of John Cleese.
1. Relaxation/ BBC Statements/ Rat Exterminator/ Hypothetical Plane Crash/ Eastern Chant/ Off His Food/ Sensitive Hearing/ Old Boutique/ Ireland.
2. Round Britain Quiz/ Friendly Inn/ I Love you/ Drown All Your Troubles Away/ Biology For Schools/ Train Robbers in the sky/ Moll Flanders.
3. Consult the Diary/ Zookeeper/ Secular Religious Pop Song/ Small Airlines Inflight Entertainment/ Reincarnation of Ghenghis Khan/ Just One Of Those Things/ Ali Baba
4. The Archers/ Pregnant Man/ Radio Strip CLub/ Musical Journey/ Fairy/ Pride and Joy/ Lord Nelson.
5. No Known Recordings
6. Stereo Sound/ Human Traffic Inspector/ Stop It - I Like It/ Jerusalem/ Do You Love Me?/ These Foolish Things/ Angus Prune - Soccer Legend.
7. Auctioneer/ Archbishop of Canterbury/ Animal Question Time/ A Man's Best Friend/ Housemaster/ Isn't Nature Wonderful?/ Opportunity Flops/ Flat Inspection/ Tomorrow/ Rogue Budgie/ Five Little Emergent Nationals.
8. Soldiers/BBC Animal Service/ Red Sea Safari/ Don't Laugh At Me/ Three Babies/ Museum Attendant/ Day Trippers/ World Of Sport Released on Volume 2
9. Rat Catchers Strike/ Compulsive Knitter/ Traffic Warden/ Promenade Concert/ The Doctor/ The Lawman/ Marraige Guidance Bereau/ Julius Ceasar
10. Radio Quiz Game/ Police Message/ Old Dark Horse/ Rhubard Tart Blues/ The Supernatural, The Occult and the Unexplained
11. Defusing a Bomb/ Dwarf Olympics/ Play Little Piccolo Man/ Grils School Address/ Show Jumping/ My Baby's Become a Folksinger/ Robin hood
12. Beethoven's Audition/ John and Mary Alone in the Country/ Identikit Girl/ Kosher Hamlet/ End of the World/ Take It Off/ Tim Brown's Schooldays
13 It Is Liverpool Special (including Ferry Across The Mersey and Liverpool.
A further series od 14 episodes on the light programme, broadcast between 3rd October 1966 and 2nd January 1967. This series had the The Curse of the Flying Wombat running through all but the last episode as a regular feature. The cast was John Cleese, David Hatch, Jo Kendall, Bill Oddie and Tim Brooke-Taylor.
1. What Do You Know?/ Cricket Commentary/ Italian Letter/ Vet/ The Good News From Ghent to Aix/ The Ferret Song/ Three Babies(#2)
2. Sitar Player/ Bonnie Scotland/ Business Marraige/ I'm Small/ Bird and Animal Impressions/ Honeymoon on a Sloop/ Making Horse Racing More Attractive/ My Mum Had Lost My Dad
3. John Cleese's Bath Night/ Children's Tour of Art Gallery/ Film Actor Specialising in Military Roles/ Alice Through the Looking Glass/ We like working for the BBC/ John and Mary In Bed/ Great Big Waterproof Boots/ The Minister of Fuel/ My Smile
4. Glasses of Water/ East German Trade Exhibit/ Beethovens's Fifth/ The Family's On The Rocks/ Williams the Conqueror
5. New Show/ The Spy With My Cold/ Gentlewoman's Protection Action Group/ One For My Baby/ Appeal For Distressed Bumblebees/ Girl At Boy's School/ P.C. On Traffic Duty/ Just To Keep Warm
6. Colour Radio/ Music For Schools/ A WelcomeIn Ireland/ Outside Lavatory/ Managing Director and Employee/ Animal Child
7. The Fastest Show on Earth/ Movie Go Flat/ John and Mary and the Policeman/ Prime Minister's Speech To The French/ Are You 21?/ De Blues and All That Jazz
8. Drum Beat Message/ The Day After Tomorrow's World/ The Clapham Mystery Trial of 1960-now/ The Ferrets of Old England
9. Radio Oscars/ International Cabaret/ John and Mary and the Burglar/ Hush Now Baby/ Shakespear Joke/ What Can I Didgeridoo?/ Bonzo Angus Prune Experiment
10. Air My Grudge/ The Royal Navy/ Sick Song/ Warning
11. Bonzo Angus Prune Experiment Results/ For Better if For Worse and Son/ A Man's Best Friend is his Duck/ Blues Song/ Beekeeping/ Old Time Radio (including Benjamin Disreali
12. Animal Round Up/ The Fawcetts/ Driving Test/ Three Babies(#3)/ Did You Know?/ Yodel Song
13. Builders/ The Rise And Ears Of Cole Hammerstien III/ Petula Clark Sings
14. Jack and the Beanstalk Pantomime
Broadcast on the light programme between 23rd April and 23rd July 1967, this series of 14 episodes had a cast of John Cleese, David Hatch, Jo Kendall and Bill Oddie (except for for episode 9 when Jean Hart replaced Jo Kendall, and episode 12 when Greame Garden replaced John Cleese).
1. John and Mary on Magic/ M.O.T.H./ Three Babies(#4)/ Are you 6'5"?/ There is a Walrus in my soup/ The Knights of the Round Table
2. Spring/ John and Mary on Humpty Dumpty/ The characters from the Curse of the Flying Wombat/ Champion the Wonder Mouse
3. Concert of Modern Music/ Crime Prevention/ Faith Healer/ I've Forgotten the Words/ Estate Agent/ What Will Be Will Be/ Williams Tell
4. Calypso/ Greyhounds/ If I were the only Girl In the World/John and Mary - The Car/ The Rabbits and Land hour/ Work Song/ Dr. Clubfoot in the Antarctic
5. Tips For Motorists/ Drilling For Moles/ Garden Club/ The First of May/ Toy shop/ I Like Singing in the Bath Tub/ The British Army
6. Did You Miss It?/ Bank Manager/ Underground Underwear/ Folk Dancing/ John and Mary on Tibbles/ Drinking Song/ The Decline and Fall of the Entire Roamn Empire Including Cleopatra
7. The Vulture Song/ Horrible Hairy Spiders/ Russian Eurovision Song/ Gas Meter Reader/ Late Cricket News/ Garcon, Garcon/ Princess Goldilocks and the Perverted Goblins
8.Club El Caraway/ The Pill/ Waves Travelogue/ A Very Sad Case/ I'm Gonna Live/ The Operating Theatre/ Spit/ All Hands On Venus
9. The British Courts of Justice/ 25 Guinea Tour Of Britian/ John and Mary - Moles/ William Grimbling/ Three Babies(#5)/ Cricket/ Tales of the Old Wild and Woolly Peter West
10. Your Radio Could Explode/ Film Censorship/ I Can Hear The Wombats Dancing/ The Dentist/ Portuguese Love Song/ The Ghost of Objectionable Manor
11. Osteopath/ Round theWorld Query/ Buying a Stocking/ No, No, But seriously though/ Othello
12. Memory Lane/ Zoo Time/ House on Fire/ I am A Carnivore/ The Inimitable Grimbling
13. Radio Circus/ Record Spin/ Directory, 999/ John and Mary - Jumbo/ I do Like to be beside the Seaside
14. The Sound Of My Fair Seven Brides For Calamity Poppins And I On The Roof (special)
This series was originally broadcast on Radio 2 at 9.30pm from the 14th April to the 7th July 1968, consisting of 13 editions. Billed as 'The Wonder Show for half the family' it starred, as ever, Tim Brooke-Taylor, Greame Garden, Bill Oddie, John Cleese, David Hatch, and Jo Kendall, with Angus Prune, I.T. Briddock and The Dave Lee Group. Produced by David Hatch and Peter Titheradge. Episode 6 is without John Cleese.
1. The David Hatch Show: Dave's Diary, Magical Mystery Ball, Firm Of Solicitors, Bunny & Claude
2. Listen With Mother: Rabbit Family, Going For A Burton, Sport, Taking My Oyster For Walkies, Blackmail, Jack Mulberry, Rock With A Policeman by Constable Clint Thigh & The Bobbysoxers, Dentisti
3. Army Sense Of Humour Drilling, Pots & Puns, The Good Old Days, The Vikings
4. Desert Island Jokes, Report On Schools, You'll Feel Much Worse, Police Message: Mrs. Evelyn Hardy, Reunion, Trio Los Banditos Sing Olé, Incompetence: The Story Of The Arkwright Family
5. Experiments In Sound, Joke Swapping Report, Here Comes The One-Man Band, John Cleese's Knickerbocker Glory Recipe, £7¼ Million Bank Loan, Man's Hour - Roger's Keep Fit Class: I'm Tougher Than You, 10,000 BC
6. Bits And Pieces: Extracts From Comedy Shows, Great Men Of Our Time: Sir Ruddy Shame, The Facts Of Money, I Wish You Love, Let's Hear About It: Cauliflower, Has Anybody Seen My Teeth?, The Ghost Of McMuckle Manse
7. Foootball Results: Chelsea v Liverpool, Squealbase: Motoring Show, Continental Coach Trip, Julie Andrews, Operation Chocolate: War Mission To Germany Released on Volume 3
8. Forgotten Folklore, Theatre Bar, Persecuting Pigeons In Trafalgar Square, John & Mary: Breakfast In Bed, El Budgerigar From Covent Garden, Beau Legs
9. Spokesman For The GPO, The Kevin Mousetrap Show, Louis Armstrong Goes To Hospital: What A Wonderful World, Take Your Clothes Off, Melody Farm, Warning To Motorists, Macbeth Released on Volume 1
10. Facetious Patient, Problem Corner with Marjorie Droops, The Doctor: Bad Eyes, Bounce Bounce Bounce, Spot The Joke Competition: The Murder Of The English Language, Robinson Prunestone, Producers' Thanks
11. Puzzle Corner, The Countryside In Spring, Cows Talking, We're Going To A Football Match, Controversy: Pacifism, The Roaring Twenties
12. Thirty Second Theatre: Retribution, Man Alive: Oil Riggers In The Arabian Desert, The Schoolboy & The Headmaster's Daughter, Chartered Accountant, The Doctor: Getting Fat, Lady Godiva
13. Tribute To Cinema: Aloysius Film, Yes, The de Coverlet Sisters, Passé, News, On The Set Of Carry On Moses, Walt Disney: Let's Laugh, Censorship: Dubbing, Academy Awards Presentation To `The Curse Of The Flying Wombat': The Show Must Go On And On And On...
This was broadcast on Radio 2 at 2pm on 26th December 1968, with edited repeats on Radio 1 and 2 two days later. The show starred Tim Brooke-Taylor, Greame Garden, Bill Oddie, John Cleese, David Hatch, Jo Kendall, and The Dave Lee Group.
Dick Cinderella Up The Beanstalk ... Or Something ... And His Cat Spring Spring Spring, We're Going To A Football Match, The Music Of The Dawn, I Love You, We're All Going To Die, Julie Andrews, Hope You've Had A Very Merry Christmas
Billed as The Wonder Show, this series went out on Radios 1 and 2 at 9.30 pm from the 12th January to 6th April 1969 with the usual line up, except episode 4 where Bill Oddie was absent. The shows were produced by David Hatch and Peter Titheradge.
1. This Term's New Rules, Dave's Diary: Where Have They Been?, Olympic Report, The Critics On `Knees', Knees,
Police Message: Supermarket Robbery, 3 Babies: Holidays In Majorca, Professor Prune & The Electric Time Trousers Part 1: Helmut von Schweinhund
2. Pick Of The Bunch, Report On The Army, Late Football Result: The Army v The Navy, Hovercraft Ride, Police Message: Supermarket Robbery, Professor Prune & The Electric Time Trousers Part 2: Queen Elizabeth
3. The Time Around The World, Social Survey - Population Explosion: Flimsy New Town, Fog Warning from Air Ministry Roof, We Love Jimmy Young by Wilhelmina Oddie & The Average Mothers, The Psychiatrist: Depressed, Police Message: Laboratory Robbery, On Ilkla' Moor Baht 'At, Party Political Broadcast On Behalf Of The Labour Party, Professor Prune & The Electric Time Trousers Part 3: The Spanish Armada
4. Tommy The Tuba , Report On Hobbies: Stamps, Old Masters, Knight School, Judo, D.I.Y., Chat At The Club, Oliver Cromwell, News Flash: Supermarket Robbery, Reuben The Farm Hand, Professor Prune & The Electric Time Trousers Part 4: Miranda The Mermaid
5. Talent Contest, Travel: Transport Through The Ages, She's Gone, News Flash: Clothing Store Robbery, TV Quiz Show Host At Home, Charles Aznovoice, Professor Prune & The Electric Time Trousers Part 5: City Of Atlantis
6. The Petticoat Whine, Report On Industry: Board Meeting, Fired, Street Cleaning Machine, Navy, Minister, British Museum Reading Room, PR Man, Trade Unions, Song Title Entries: If Mao Tse-Tung Were A Scotsman by Crispy Noodle, Police Message: West End Store Robbery, Professor Prune & The Electric Time Trousers Part 6: Boobirella
7. Dramatised German Lesson: Entertaining Friends, Survey On Money: History Of Money, Arthur Sixpence, Foreign Exchange, Will, Good Old Days, Baby Samba, Police Message: Jeweller's Robbery, Professor Prune & The Electric Time Trousers Part 7: Escape From The City Of Sin
8. All My Yesterday, Sports Yawn, Police Message: Junk Shop Robbery, Marcella's Lane, John & Mary: Children, Message From The League Of Psychics & Clairvoyants, Here Are The Nudes, Professor Prune & The Electric Time Trousers Part 8: Queen Victoria & Oscar Wilde
9. Choice Of Listening, Radio Prune: Pioneering Work, News Flash, Radio Prune Briefs, Listening To The Flowers, Police Message: Supermarket Robbery, The Big Quiz, Professor Prune & The Electric Time Trousers Part 9: Court Trial
10. Shopping News, Report On Housing, Eurovision Song: Carry Me Back To Europe, Police Message: Jeweller's Robbery, Professor Prune & The Electric Time Trousers Part 10: The Mississippi
11. Great Cities Of The Western World: London, Reptile Joke, Auto Destructive Rag, Professor Prune & The Electric Time Trousers Part 11: Chicago Gangsters
12. Going For A Gong, The Aristocrats, Rock Version Of Henry V, Professor Prune & The Electric Time Trousers Part 12: Desert Island & Australia
13. Love, Sex And Marriage: Nature, Courtship, Children's Ideas, Men's Talk, John & Mary, Denmark Street, Professor Prune & The Electric Time Trousers Part 13: Different Endings
This was billed as the I'm Sorry Christmas Show, and broadcast on Radios 1 and 2, Christmas Day 1969 at 8.45pm. The cast was as usual, bt without John Cleese.
Christmas Special. Carol Singers, Christmas At The BBC: Superparson, Schedule, Turkey Strangler, Orphaned Jockeys, Christmases Of Yesteryear, Message From John & Yoko, Christmas Round The World: Choir Of The Delhi Telegraph with Yogi Bear Sing Hari Krishna, A Christmas Carrot
This series was billed as a new improved whiter-than-blue washout, and starred A. Gibbon O.B.E., oh and featured Tim Brooke-Taylor, Graeme Garden, David Hatch, Jo Kendall, Bill Oddie, and The Dave Lee Group, with John Cleese was absent from shows 4-7. Again the series was produced by David Hatch and Peter Titheradge, and broadcast between 15th February and 8th May 1970 on Radio 2, this time at 2.30pm.
1. New Look Radio Times, News Of BBC Spending Cuts, Full Frontal Radio, Prune Manifesto, Censorship Committee, Prune Flash, The Taming Of The Shrew
2. Radio Prune Goes Commercial, Fairy Puff Commercial, Home This Afternoon A Go Go, Two For One Swap Commercial, Commercial News, Sing Us A Song, The Canterbury Tales Released on Volume 3
3. Top Of The Charts, Countrywide, News Summary By Eddie Waring, Fairy Puff Commercial, Listeners' Letters , Mrs. Forsyte's Ambridge Newcomers To Coronation Place, Crossroads, El Tarantula Commercial, Commercial Trial, Silence By The Confirmed Bachelors The G.P.O. Released on Volume 4
4. Previous Programme Didn't Exist, Mrs. Forsyte's Ambridge Newcomers To Coronation Place, Crossroads Task Force, Nudes Room: South African Cricket Tour, Fight Of The Week: Skinhead At The Football, Forthcoming Programmes: Schools Broadcast, Not In Front Of The Adults, Music Time: Ironing My Goldfish, Tales Of The Circus
5. The Stars At Night, The Wireless Doctor, Honours List, News In Welsh, Minority Programmes, Musical Football Results, Nigel Carter-Smith's Society Band, Billy Bunter Of Greyfriars School
6. People We Will Be Offending, Motoring Flash, I Would Like To Complain, Rolf Harris Dirty Song Book, Letter Of Complaint, 3 Babies: NSPCC Inspector, Is This Your Life?: Arnold Gibbon, If You Have Seen This Man, Police Warning, Tillingbourne Folk & Madrigal Society Present Stuffing The Gibbon, The 3.17 To Cleethorpes Released on Volume 1
7. President Of The Listeners' Association: Listeners Strike, Listeners' Oath, Little Old Lady Listener, Cooking Hint/Recipe Time, Nudes Room: Strikes, Army Takeover, Case Of Battered Babies, Buffers: We Are The Lads Of The MCC, Jimmy Savile, Henry VIII
8. There's No Business Like Show Business, Common Market Committee, International Music Hall, Censored Tom Jones Songs, Guerres Sans Frontières, This Week's Honours List, Prune Flash, Wonderful Noises, Jorrocks Released on Volume 1
9. Ninth Week Of Radio Prune, Critics, Ashamed!, Weather Report, Set Up A Sketch Competition: Wedding Ceremony, Rearrangement Of Programmes, Listen With Mother: Dublin Folk Song Dance & Drinking Society Song, The Return Of The Son Of Bride Of Dracula's Cousin Frankenstein's, Wife's Lover's Hairdresser's Gibbon's Mummy, Deborah
10. The Black & White Minstrel Show, Radio Prune Awards: Jury, Presentation, `Look At Life' Newsreel, Police Message: Tank Stolen, TV Personality Awards: Eddie Waring, Jack Benny, Dr Finlay's Casebook, Music Award: The Seaside Fellas Sing Bradford Girls, The Harder They Fall The More They Hurt Themselves Released on Volume 4
11. Teapot, Review Of The Pops: Pop Roundup, Julie Andrews Dirty Song Book, Police Message, Late Racing Result, The Money Programme, The Tillingbourne Folk & Madrigal Society Sing Kenneth Wolstenholme, Andy Pandy, 20,000 Leaks Under The Sea
12. Combined Holiday, Chrismeaster Whit Year's Eve Bank Holiday Night With The Stars, Holiday News Read By The Cheeky Chappies, Hogmanay, Traffic News, Brian Rix Farce `Watch It Vicar, She's Dropped 'Em Again But Don't Tell Hitler', The Tillingbourne Folk & Madrigal Society Sing Football Chant, Oedipus Rex And His Red Hot Momma Released on Volume 3
13. News Of Programme Change, Full Frontal Radio, The Raymond Nostril Story, The Ferret Song, Stuffing The Gibbon, Silence, Nigel Carter-Smith's Society, Band, The Rhubarb Tart Song, Sing Us A Song, I'm Gonna Make It, e Are The Lads Of The MCC, Radio Prune Close-Down
Broadcast on New Years Eve, 1970, this show was billed as A Seasonal Offering, and starred the usual line up and was produced by David Hatch and Peter Titheradge. This went out on Radio 4 (for a change!) at 8.00pm
Hijack, Full Frontal Radio In Drag, Catchphrases, Miss World Contest: Les Girls, Censored Bawdy Christmas Songs, Retrospect Of 1970, Dr Zhivago And His Wonderful Lamp
This was the last series of the show and was billed as Angus Prune presents The return of the wonder show. The cast was the same as before, however, production was by John Cassels and David Hatch for all shows except 3 and 4 where John Cassels was replaced by Bob Oliver Rogers. The series went out at 2.00pm on Radio 2 from the 4th November to the 23rd December 1973.
1. Whoops, Not In Front Of The Buses, Next Door Street Gang, And Son, Makes Three, BBC Controller Of Programmes, Radio Prune, New Catchphrase: The Terrapin Song, Laurence Of The Antarctic - On Ice Released on Volume4
2. Ask The Family, Terrapin Joke, So You Think You've Got A Feed Line, Prune Forum, A Kick In The Arts, Twerp Special, Country Meets Folk: The Midnight Cowboy Sings Cactus In My Y-Fronts, Jack The Ripper Released on Volume 3
3. One Channel Stereo, Radio Mindless, Savilie's Travillies, Wogan's `Fight The Flab', Radio Mindless Competition, Square Table, Rock And Roll, Rhythm And Blues Revival Show: Sick Man's Blues, Star Trek
4. The First Audio Porno Fair, Committee To Keep Filth Off Cliff Richard, Couple On Platinum Spring Water Bed, The Des O'Connor Dirty Song Book, What's My Kink?, Masochist's Rag, Search For The Nile
5. Miss United Prune Finals, Scriptwriter Fired, Radio Prune Festival Of Light: Clean It Up Yourself Quiz, Censored Music On Prune, Motoring News, Stars On Monday, Modern Toy Symphony By Haydn, The Song Of The South Released on Volume 4
6. By-Election Results, New Programmes: Phone-In, Female Newsreader, Bronte Sisters, London Symphony Orchestra, Phone Call, Nixon Tape, The Ten Commandments Starring Charlton Athletic, Nappy Love, Oklahoma
7. The Royal Family, The Wedding Of The Year, It's A Cock Up, Russell Harty Plus, Alice In Wonderland
8. Ministerial Broadcast To The Nation: Shortages, Childhood Remembered, Radio Terrapin: Gardening, Yoga, Cooker, Combined, Radio Prune: Your 3,000,000 Best Tunes: Just My Bill, Radio Terrapin: News, David Hatch Down & Out, Radio Terrapin On The Rocks, Cloughy, The Colditz Story, With `Deck Of Cards' Released on Volume 1
On Christmas Day 1989, there was a special 25th Anniversary special show broadcast on Radio 2 at 1.00pm. The cast were the same as usual with prodcution by Richard Wilcox.
25th Anniversary Special The Name's Hatch, Emergency Meeting Of BBC Board Of Governors, Today Programme, Friends Of The Earth Spokesman, Jonathan Porridge: Spring Spring Spring, Recycling Old Radio Programmes: I'm Sorry, I'll Read That Again Gathering The Original Team: Writers: Graeme Garden & Bill Oddie, John Cleese On Board Space Shuttle, The Ferret I, John & Mary: Eleanor & Armadillos, Tim Brooke-Taylor In Milton Sitcom, Jack The Ripper, Listeners' Letters, Cast Meeting With Managing Director, David Hatch, John Cleese's Silly Walk, BBC Radio Auction, Ferret Duncleese: Late Arrivals At The Barbecue, The Ferret Song Released on Volume 2 on two sides.
This is a work in progress, so check for updates and additions, also details of merchandise available over the years.